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Charlemagne Elementary School

Newsletter for December 13

Posted Date: 12/14/24 (1:30 AM)

Week of December 16-20
Mardi Gras
Dear Charlemagne Families
Our 5th grade Leadership Club has filmed and edited a special Kindness Month video for you, introducing our new "Buddy Bench" on the playground, a great tool to help students to practice empathy and show kindness at recess.
What's the history behind the Buddy Bench?
In 2022, Elizabeth Grace (EG) -- a former Charlemagne student and member of the 5th grade Leadership Club -- wanted to bring back the Buddy Bench. Sometime during the pandemic, it disappeared, and so she asked if we could install one that would never leave our campus. This idea went home to her grandfather, Dick, who worked to design it. EG and I went to the PTO to present the idea, and they generously funded a large portion of the materials. In collaboration with a variety of welders and carpenters, Dick constructed a very durable bench to remain on our campus in perpetuity. This fall, the Buddy Bench was installed on our playground.
How can students use it?
If you're feeling lonely, go take a seat. It lets other students know you're looking for a buddy or you're feeling blue. If you see someone on the bench, go ask them to play! 
Want more information?
Visit for an inspirational video, more resources and other info about the mom and child behind the organization.
Example calendar with dates pinned
Upcoming Events
  • December 20, Friday--Winter Break Begins
  • January 7, 2025, Tuesday--School Resumes
Grade Level Bogs
PTO News
Due to ongoing illnesses spreading through our team and considering the demands upon most of us this month, we have decided to cancel this months’ PTO Meeting. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Late Arrivals
We are noticing an uptick in late arrivals to school. Please remember that when the bell rings at 8:30 a.m., students are expected to be in their seats, ready to learn.

When students are late to class, they disrupt the morning for their peers and impact their teacher's ability to begin the instructional day on time.

Please plan to arrive early enough to allow your students to settle in and be prepared for the day before 8:30 a.m.

Thank you.
nos actes de gentillesse
Kindness Month
The students have worked incredibly hard to earn chapeaux this month, showing kindness, giving compliments, and expressing gratitude. Thanks to all their efforts, the school has earned a special pajama and popcorn reward! This will take place on Monday the 16th for Red Classes and Tuesday the 17th for Blue Classes.

Red Class students can wear their pajamas to school on Monday, and Blue Class students can wear theirs on Tuesday. We'll have a popcorn machine on hand, and each student will receive a bag of lightly salted popcorn made with either safflower or coconut oil to enjoy. (We will be aware of food allergies.)

Great job, Charlemagne students! Keep up the awesome work!
Drive Safely
Millracers LaCrosse
Charlemagne French Immersion School