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Charlemagne Elementary School

Newsletter for December 6

Posted Date: 12/07/24 (1:30 AM)

Week of December 9-13
Mardi Gras
A special performance with Amici Players
Dear Charlemagne Families
With December comes cold weather and warm experiences! Yesterday we were so fortunate to have Chamber Music Amici and Instaballet perform for our school. The students enjoyed the performances very much and asked some wonderful questions about music, performing, practising a skill to perfection, etc. We are so thankful to Chamber Music Amici and Instaballet for providing us with this amazing experience! Thank you!

Additionally, I would like to thank all of the parents for attending our Parent Teacher Conferences and for signing up for Volunteer Opportunities. We could not do this work without you. Please see below for the PTO link if you are interested in learning more about Volunteer Opportunities at our school. Our Parent Volunteers support our classrooms, coordinate and participate in school wide events and so much more. 

With Humble Gratitude,

Example calendar with dates pinned
Upcoming Events
  • November 20-26, Book Fair
  • November 25-26, No School--Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • November 27-29, No School--Thanksgiving Break
  • December 20, Friday--Winter Break Begins
  • January 7, 2025, Tuesday--School Resumes
Grade Level Bogs
PTO News
Late Arrivals
We are noticing an uptick in late arrivals to school. Please remember that when the bell rings at 8:30 a.m., students are expected to be in their seats, ready to learn.

When students are late to class, they disrupt the morning for their peers and impact their teacher's ability to begin the instructional day on time.

Please plan to arrive early enough to allow your students to settle in and be prepared for the day before 8:30 a.m.

Thank you.
nos actes de gentillesse
Kindness Month
This month is Kindness month. Every day students are given a goal to show kindness to others. We hope to fill the arbre de gentillesse by the time we leave for Winter Holiday. Here are the week's "assignments":
Monday--Give a compliment to three people
Tuesday--Compassion: watch a video on compassion
Wednesday--Say "merci" to Jonathan our custodian
Thursday--Say "merci" to our cafeteria staff
Friday--Sit with someone whom you do not normally sit with at lunch.
Millracers LaCrosse
Share Your Thoughts on 24th Avenue!
The City of Eugene is exploring adding protected bike lanes to 24th Avenue from Amazon Path to Agate Street. Protected bike lanes would add more space and physical protection between people biking and people driving. This project would require removing the on-street parking between Hilyard Street and Agate Street.

To share your thoughts, please:

For more details, click here.

Charlemagne French Immersion School