Week of February 24-28
Dear Charlemagne Families
As we celebrate together tonight at Carnaval, I am thinking about how our strength as a community comes from the connections we build with one another. At Charlemagne Elementary, we believe that kindness, friendship, and community are the foundation of a supportive learning environment.
Encouraging friendships at school and home helps children feel safe, valued, and supported. Here are some ways to foster strong friendships:
- Teach Empathy: Encourage your child to consider how others feel and to be kind.
- Practice Inclusion: Remind children to invite classmates to join games or conversations.
- Model Friendship: Show kindness and cooperation in your daily interactions.
Our school thrives when we work together! Here are some ways to stay engaged:
- Join Our Parent Group: The Charlemagne Parent Teacher Organization hosts regular meetings—get involved! We meet on the Third Tuesday of every month.
- Volunteer Opportunities: Help in the classroom, at events, or with community outreach. Our next Volunteer Orientation is 2/28 at 10am.
Upcoming Events:
- Conscious Discipline for Parenting- Tuesday evenings starting February 25th at 6-7:45. Dinner and childcare provided.
- Read-A-Thon – February 28- March 9: Celebrate Reading with your child!
- Family French Bingo Night in April! Date and Time tba…
If your family is facing challenges, know that you are not alone. Our school counselor and community resources are here to help. Reach out, and let’s lift each other up.
Thank you for being a part of the Charlemagne Elementary family. Together, we can create a warm and supportive community for our children.
With gratitude,
- TONIGHT!--Carnaval! 6-8 p.m.
- February 25-April 22, Tuesdays--Parent Education Series with Jamie Hock
- February 28, 10 a.m. Volunteer Orientation
- February 28-March 9, Read-A-Thon
- March 3-7--Classified Appreciation Week
- March 17-21--Spirit Week
- March 24-28--Spring Break
- March 31, Monday--NO SCHOOL, Planning Day
- April 1, Tuesday--School resumes after Spring Break
Let’s face it, being a parent is a hard job!
At times, our emotions get in the way of our ability to access our own parenting brilliance. Wouldn’t it be nice to respond to conflict with rational thinking and problem solving? Are you ready to parent differently than you were parented? Join us as we learn to regulate our emotions and stop reacting out of impulse or tradition, so we can help our kids regulate their emotions and reactions.
Come learn, connect, and explore parenting with Conscious Discipline
We will be leading a series of workshops based on the School to Heart to Home parenting education curriculum from Conscious Discipline.
This is an approach to parenting built around the science of crafting caring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between parents/guardians and their children is the root of a healthy, thriving relationship built on trust and understanding. This is a great way to empower children to make positive choices.
If you are interested in volunteering and have not attended our orientation session, please attend a 45 minute session on Friday, February 28 at 10 a.m. at this Google Meet link.
The Sixth Eugene Youth Math Festival
What: Come PLAY with math!
More than 50 hands-on stations to spark curiosity and invite engagement supported by dozens of mathematicians, math students, and community math enthusiasts.
Who: Kids ages 5-14 accompanied by an adult
Kids who love math and kids who don’t will find lots to enjoy
When: Saturday, February 22, 10am - 1pm
Where: McArthur Court, University of Oregon, 1601 University St.
Admission is FREE and no registration is needed. Come and explore!
Spanish-speaking UO students will assist guests who need translation.
*Please note that the Math Festival volunteers cannot take responsibility for unaccompanied children and that anyone attending the event may have their photo taken for promotional or educational purposes (photo releases are required for entry). Also, we recommend bringing snacks and water bottles for the kids.
Do you or your child want to learn how to ride a bike?
Join 4J Safe Routes to School and partners at either or both of these all-ages, free, learn to ride a bike events coming up. Helmets and bikes will be provided, or bring your own.
Saturday, April 29 from 5pm to 7pm at 4J Ed Center (200 North Monroe St, Eugene, OR)
- Flyer and Facebook Event coming soon!
Remember, these events are free and are for people of ALL AGES who do not yet know how to ride a bike!
Charlemagne French Immersion School