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Charlemagne Elementary School

Newsletter for February 14

Posted Date: 2/15/25 (1:30 AM)

Week of February 17-21
Mardi Gras
Dear Charlemagne Families
Dear Charlemagne Families,

Today, we celebrate Friendship Day, a reminder of the power of kindness, connection, and community—both near and far! As a global family, we encourage our children to embrace diversity, build meaningful friendships, and spread kindness across cultures. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the friendships that enrich our lives and teach our children the value of inclusivity and understanding.

Wishing you a day filled with warmth and connection!

Bon weekend,


Upcoming Events
  • February 17, Monday--No School--President's Day
  • February 21, Friday--Carnaval! See more information in the PTO News
  • February 25-April 22, Tuesdays--Parent Education Series with Jamie Hock
  • March 3-7--Classified Appreciation Week
  • March 17-21--Spirit Week
  • March 24-28--Spring Break
  • March 31, Monday--NO SCHOOL, Planning Day
  • April 1, Tuesday--School resumes after Spring Break
Example calendar with dates pinned
Grade Level Blogs
PTO News
PTO News
Get Ready for Carnaval!
Carnaval (formerly Mardi Gras) is February 21st! We are so excited to gather for games, food, finery, and other festivities. It’s a time for joy and community and there are lots of ways for everyone to contribute to the event. You can: 

  • Gently Used Children’s Books - Start gathering books your family is ready to pass on for our very first donated book store. Teachers will have boxes for donated books in their rooms. 
  • Baked Goods for the Treat Trot - On the day of Carnaval, bring cupcakes, cookies or other sweet treats for the famous Treat Trot (formerly cakewalk). Bonus if you can bring allergen (dairy, nut, gluten) free treats. There is a slot in the Signup Genius to add your name!
  • Raffle Basket Items: Each classroom has a theme, like outdoor-play, arts, or even Oregon Ducks. Check your teacher blogs next week, or ask your class rep about your class theme. 

  • Sell tickets leading up to the event. This takes just 30 minutes of your time per day and can be done during pickup! Check out the Signup Genius to claim your spot.
  • Help set up and run the games and activities. Check the Signup Genius!
  • Help manage an activity or area - we still need help with the sensory room, ticketing and food sales.  
  • Want to help but can’t during the event? We can still use your help with preparation! You can volunteer on your own time, no childcare needed. Contact 
  • for more information. 
Parenting Classes
Let’s face it, being a parent is a hard job!
At times, our emotions get in the way of our ability to access our own parenting brilliance. Wouldn’t it be nice to respond to conflict with rational thinking and problem solving? Are you ready to parent differently than you were parented? Join us as we learn to regulate our emotions and stop reacting out of impulse or tradition, so we can help our kids regulate their emotions and reactions.

Come learn, connect, and explore parenting with Conscious Discipline
We will be leading a series of workshops based on the School to Heart to Home parenting education curriculum from Conscious Discipline. 

This is an approach to parenting built around the science of crafting caring and respectful relationships. An authentic, loving connection between parents/guardians and their children is the root of a healthy, thriving relationship built on trust and understanding. This is a great way to empower children to make positive choices. 

Fore more information, Click here
Math Festival
The Sixth Eugene Youth Math Festival
What: Come PLAY with math! 
More than 50 hands-on stations to spark curiosity and invite engagement supported by dozens of mathematicians, math students, and community math enthusiasts.
Who: Kids ages 5-14 accompanied by an adult
            Kids who love math and kids who don’t will find lots to enjoy  
When: Saturday, February 22, 10am - 1pm
Where: McArthur Court, University of Oregon, 1601 University St.

Admission is FREE and no registration is needed. Come and explore!
Spanish-speaking UO students will assist guests who need translation.
*Please note that the Math Festival volunteers cannot take responsibility for unaccompanied children and that anyone attending the event may have their photo taken for promotional or educational purposes (photo releases are required for entry). Also, we recommend bringing snacks and water bottles for the kids.
Want to know even more? Love math and want to volunteer? Check out our blog!
Learn to Ride
Learn to Ride
Do you or your child want to learn how to ride a bike? 
Join 4J Safe Routes to School and partners at either or both of these all-ages, free, learn to ride a bike events coming up. Helmets and bikes will be provided, or bring your own. 

  • Saturday, April 29 from 5pm to 7pm at 4J Ed Center (200 North Monroe St, Eugene, OR)
  • Flyer and Facebook Event coming soon! 

Remember, these events are free and are for people of ALL AGES who do not yet know how to ride a bike!
Spring Lacrosse League Season for 3rd through 8th grade
Registration Deadline:  Wednesday, Feb. 19th.

3rd/4th grade Development League : ( $130)  Boys and Girls divisions.  6 games.  Play 6v6 or 7v7 (with Goalie) Modified contact rules.
  • 1 practice a week on Tues 5-6 starting April 1st 
  • Practice/Scrimmage on Saturdays starting April 12th Saturdays at Civic Field. 
  • Season Ends with the Season Celebration May 17th
This program is designed for both the new player and for those with some Lacrosse skills. Games are small sided, players play in full gear and modified rules.  Focus will be on developing and improving stick skills: catching, throwing, scooping, and shooting. Players will also be introduced to team tactics and the concepts of positions and placement on the field.

Practices will be led by Kidsports Instructors with the support of volunteer coaches. Coaches create teams and can adjust rosters for competitive match ups on Saturdays.  

Boys need: Helmet, Chest protector, Elbow pads, Gloves, Mouth guard, Stick.  

Girls need: Eye protection, Mouth Guard and Stick. 
Bike Ed
Charlemagne French Immersion School