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Newsletter for October 25

Posted Date: 10/25/24 (7:30 PM)

Week of October 28 to November 1
Mardi Gras
symmetrical bugs in second grade
Dear Charlemagne Families
October has flown by and we are already at the end of the month! I am looking forward to November and our Winter Warmth campaign along with Parent/Teacher Conferences and the French Book Fair. For this week, I am particularly encouraged and humbled by the kindness I observe our students extend to others in the morning as we wish each other well to begin the day. I see students come in holding their sibling's hands and encouraging them to say "bonjour", parents joining their students in answering the riddle of the day, and just an overall feeling of warmth and community as students smile at each other in friendship. 

Thank you for that.

Bon weekend,


Example calendar with dates pinned
Upcoming Events
  • October 31, Thursday--Halloween Parade
  • November 1-22, PTO Winter Warmth Drive
  • November 1, Friday, Picture Retake Day
  • November 1, Friday, Last day to pick up Lost and Found items
  • November 7, Thursday--Volunteer Training on Zoom
  • November 8, Friday, No School, Grading Day
  • November 11, Monday, No School--Veteran's Day
  • November 14, Thursday--Ruby Bridges Walk
  • November 25-26, No School--Parent/Teacher Conferences
  • November 27-29, No School--Thanksgiving Break
Grade Level Bogs
PTO News
Our school will be administering the SAEBRS (Social, Academic, and Emotional Behavior Risk Screener) universal screening tool in three windows throughout the 2024–2025 school year. SAEBRS (teacher version) and MySAEBRS (student version) is a brief, norm-referenced tool for screening students to identify areas of potential areas of growth. This universal screening tool is built to align academic and socio-emotional learning opportunities and interventions to increase well-being and developmental competencies.

Students will also have the opportunity to take the student assessment 2–3 times. To learn more about the student assessment, see:
Healthy drinks
Healthy Guidelines Related to Beverages
Just a reminder that allowable beverages at school are limited to water, flavored sugar-free water, 100 percent fruit- or vegetable juices or 100 percent juice diluted with water, unflavored or flavored low-fat or fat-free milk or a nutritionally equivalent non-dairy beverage.

Please do not send your student to school with beverages that include sugar or caffeine such as juices with added sugar, energy drinks, sodas, or Starbucks drinks.
Potter Street doors
School Doors after 8:30 a.m.
This is a reminder that after 8:30 a.m., the only entrance is through the new silver door at the end of the main vestibule on Kincaid Street.

If you think you are going to be late, and even if your student is in Kindergarten or Third grade, please plan to come to the Kincaid Street entrance because we no longer monitor the Potter Street entrance after 8:30. Thank you.
4J Student Cards for Eugene Public Library
All Eugene School District 4J students receive their own Eugene Public Library (EPL) card as part of a partnership with Eugene Public Library!

Library cards are being offered to all new students and kindergarteners this year. However, some late arrivers and students who transferred may not get one. If your student does not receive a card, you can still acquire one by visiting the Library. 

Student cards give you access to:

  • Provide immediate access to Eugene Public Library's online resources and the ability to borrow five physical items at a time. 
  • Online resources include ebooks, audiobooks, research information, live homework help by professional tutors, streaming movies including documentaries and instructional videos, music, and more. 
  • Physical items include books, magazines, DVDs, CDs, art and technology tools, games, educational toys, puppets and more.
  • Are free of charge, including for students who live outside the City of Eugene.  
  • Can be upgraded to a standard library card with higher borrowing limits at no charge. 
  • Are automatically renewed each school year for continuing 4J students. New cards will be issued to students joining the district (kindergarteners and new students). 

The initial account password is the student’s 4J ID number. Teachers, 4J librarians, and school secretaries can assist with ID numbers as needed. Please note that Eugene Public Librarians cannot access 4J student ID numbers.
Student Profiles
Please check inside your student's photo folder to find their student profile. Make any changes necessary and then return to the office as soon as possible. Thanks everyone!
Lost and Found
Lost and Found to go to Charity
Our Lost and Found is already full! Please have your student search for any missing items between now and Friday, November 1 as we will be taking leftover items to charity on November 4.

For the future, please mark any clothing so that we can get any lost items back to your student. Thank you!
Happy Halloween
Our Annual Parade will be on Halloween!
Our Halloween Parade will start at 8:40 a.m. on Thursday, October 31.

Parents are welcome to arrive at 8:35 and view the parade from the courtyard. For students who do not wish to participate in the parade we will have an alternate activity space available.

Below is a list of do's and please don't's that we hope will make the day enjoyable for everyone.

If students are going to wear a costume, they must wear it to school. Please include shoes that are appropriate for school. No heels, no slippers, and no flip-flops.

Students will not be permitted to change at school. Costumes should not interfere with the ability of a student to go to the bathroom by themselves.

Please note that students will still have recess and any other activities they regularly have on 
Tuesday. Please send them with a coat, proper shoes, etc. so that they can participate fully the rest of the school day.

Please limit makeup to whiskers, freckles, eye make up, etc. No full face paint or masks.
Costumes must not be too scary or inappropriate for the school environment.

Please no gory or grotesque costumes. No props are allowed: no swords, weapons, wands, etc.

Your student should not dress as another person’s race, religion or culture. A costume can be of a character or an individual who is of another race/religion/culture than your child, but not of a generalized race or ethnicity, religion or culture. Costumes should not be caricatures of any group.

Students will be asked to change clothes for inappropriate attire which might entail a call home.

If you are not sure about the appropriateness of a costume, please discuss with your teacher or the principal.
Picture Retake Day, Friday, November 1
If you plan to have your student's photo taken on retake day, please remember to put the old photos in your student's backpack.
Interested in carpooling?
Sarah Mazze from Safe Routes to School is trying to garner interest in having a meeting about carpooling. If you are willing to offer rides or need a ride, please email Mme Eliza and she will pass on the information and will coordinate a meeting time.
Ruby Bridges
Ruby Bridges Walk, November 14
We are happy to announce that the PTO will support our Ruby Bridges Walk this year. Please mark the day in your calendar and plan to wear purple. Time and route TBA.
volunteer training
Final Volunteer training on November 7 at 6 p.m.
If you are interested in volunteering, please attend the final training of the semester on Thursday, November 7 at 6 p.m.

The meeting will be on Zoom:

Meeting ID: 782 6296 5728
Passcode: 0eGpvh
Learn to Ride program coming to school!
With the partnership of 4J Safe Routes to School program, Kindergarteners and 1st graders will soon be learning and practicing riding bicycles during PE. For students who are not yet riding, they will build their skills using balance bikes (no pedals, no training wheels). Using a balance bike rather than training wheels teaches kids the more challenging skill of balance first. Then we add pedals to the bikes and they take off! First graders who have mastered this may “graduate” to do other PE activities while we continue to work with the learners.

For more information on how to teach kids to ride a bike, bike safety tips and more, visit the Safe Routes to School resource page, here: 

If you’d like to volunteer, click here for dates and times and to sign up for your school or others:
OBOB 2024-25
Got OBOB Love? Have the time to volunteer? We have the position for you...OBOB Parent Lead. The OBOB parent Lead helps to collect permission slips, forms teams, prints OBOB content (here at school), oversees in-school battles, update brackets, attends regional battles with the winning school team and possibly state. 

Does this person do it alone? I'm glad you asked. No. Ginger Topize (OBOB Teacher Lead) guides next steps. The Parent Lead guides a team of parent volunteers who help with all these tasks. The lead manages the team in making sure it all gets done within the guidelines and within the schedule. 

If you feel up for volunteering for OBOB as the Lead or as a Team Member, please email Ginger Topize at to express your interest. 
Charlemagne French Immersion School