Bienvenue Charlemagne Families! Welcome to another exciting year of learning at Charlemagne Elementary School! It is truly a pleasure to return as a second year principal and I am looking forward to working with all of you this year. This message is quite long as I want to make sure you have all of the information you need to start the school year off well.
To begin, I think it’s important to take a look at our Vision and Mission Statements. As a public school that offers dual language immersion, our work is anchored in fostering and supporting our future global citizens in an equitable and culturally responsive way. We know this is a community effort and we couldn’t do this work without you!
Vision Statement:
We strive to support each student by creating a safe, structured and student-centered learning environment. This is accomplished through differentiated instruction, culturally responsive practices and high levels of student engagement with a francophone focus.
Mission Statement:
The French Immersion community will empower every child to acquire the French and English academic and interpersonal skills necessary to become a kind, empathetic, contributing member of society and will support their path to becoming global citizens.
Core values:
We create a learning environment that is inclusive, appreciative and respectful of our diverse community
We believe every student is an important member of our learning community;
We know as a community we are more successful together;
We model and support a growth mindset through which all individuals can learn and grow.
See the news items below for important information about the beginning of the year:
The office will open starting Monday, August 19th, 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00.
We look forward to seeing you soon and please reach out if there is anything we can do to assist. Here’s to another great school year!
Madame Poppy,
Charlemagne Back-to-School Info (2024-2025)
First Days of School
KINDERGARTEN: First day of school is Wednesday, September 4th, 8:30-1:45.
GRADES 1 – 5: First day of school is Thursday, September 5th, 8:30- 3:00.
Kindergarten Smart Start
Kindergarten students do not start with an assigned classroom and class lists are built as we learn more about our kiddos. 4J is changing which days kinders come based on your last name:
Last name A–L: Attend Sept. 4 (W), 5 (Th), 9 (M), 10, (T), 11 (W)
Last name M–Z: Attend Sept. 4 (W), 6 (F), 9 (M), 10, (T), 11 (W)
No Kindergarten Sept. 12 & 13 (parent/teacher conversations) Regular school schedule begins on Monday, Sept. 16
If you know anyone with new or kindergarten-age students who have not yet registered, please have them contact Charlemagne office staff by phone at (541) 790-7080 or email Eliza Drummond at
The office will be open daily 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00, August 19 to 23 and from 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00, August 26 to 30 .
School Supplies… just a backpack and water bottle
4J provides most of the supplies families usually buy, so plan on sending your child(ren) to school with a backpack (no wheels) and a water bottle. Your child’s teacher may have a few other small supply requests that they’ll share once school starts, but we have covered the pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, and other basics.
PE ProtocolsStudents will have PE twice a week and class could be Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Friday, depending on their class schedule. They should come to school with tennis shoes they can tie or secure on their own. Students participate in many activities throughout their week that require closed toe, secure shoes. Rain boots and crocs are discouraged.
Class Assignments
Class lists will be emailed to families on the afternoon of Friday, August 30th, just prior to Labor Day weekend.
Watch for an email from your child’s new teacher!
Update Your Child’s Health InformationEnsure your child’s health records are current. We want to be aware of respiratory-based diagnoses, allergies, or other health conditions. Linked here are the Asthma Assessment Form and the General Medical Profile Form , which you can email or deliver to front office staff.
Dates to Remember
More dates on the Charlemagne website …
8/19 to 8/23 - Office Open 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00
8/26 to 8/30 - Office Open 8:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00
8/24 & 25 - 4J Project Hope, Free Clothes, Shoes, & Supplies (N. Eugene HS)
9/3, 3:00-3:30 - Meet Your Teacher (Charlemagne Classrooms)
9/3, 3:30-4:00 - Watermelon Social (Playground)
9/4, 8:30-1:45pm - Classes Begin: Kindergarteners Only
9/5, 8:30-3pm - Classes Begin: Grades 1-5
9/26 - Curriculum Night (6-7pm)
10/4 - Vision Screening
Meet Your Teacher, Tuesday, Sept. 3rd, 3-3:30!
Charlemagne will host a Meet Your Teacher event on Tuesday, September 3rd from 3-3:30pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity for your child to view their new classroom and introduce themselves to their new teacher and classmates. Please plan on attending!
Watermelon Social after you “Meet Your Teacher” @ 3:30!
Get some tasty watermelon after you Meet Your Teacher provided by Charlemagne PTO. Watermelon will be on the playground beginning at 3pm.
Morning Arrival Procedures
All students will enter the building through the front doors at 8:00am if they want to eat breakfast. Otherwise, doors officially open at 8:20am. Students arriving before the doors open or who choose not to have breakfast should wait by the front student doors on Kincaid or back door on Potter in order to be visible to staff.
Families dropping students off by car are encouraged to park on West Amazon across the street and walk to school aided by our crossing guard. This greatly reduces traffic congestion in our parking lot.
Late Students to Office and New Vestibule
Classes begin promptly at 8:30 and the doors close. Any students arriving after that need to check in at the office before going to class. Access to the office between 8:30 a.m. and 3:45 p.m. will be through the vestibule entrance in the front of the building at the end of the ramp. The Potter Street entrance will not be opened after 8:30, so if you anticipate you are going to be late, , please come to the front of the building. This change ensures that we will have eyes on anyone entering the building and will increase safety and security on our campus.
There will be some grace during the first two weeks of school, but starting September 16, all doors will close promptly at 8:30 a.m.
Dismissal Procedures
At the end of the day, students will exit the building with their teacher, using their designated entrance/exit doors. Students waiting to be picked up will wait with their teacher in the designated areas below.
Parking Lot Reminders
The parking lot is for families who want to walk their child to the building entrances during arrival or who wish to meet their child at the at dismissal. Please note the following rules for the parking lot:
ONLY cross using the crosswalk. Students and families should never cut across the driveway.
Before using the crosswalk, students and adults must stop and look for cars.
If a student arrives before the doors open at 8 a.m. for breakfast, they will wait in their car or stand on the sidewalk at the front entrance. Families dropping students off by car are encouraged to park on West Amazon and walk to school, aided by our crossing guard. This greatly reduces traffic congestion in our parking lot.
Curbside Pause Parking Reminders
In the mornings, students may be dropped off along the curb. At the end of the day, drivers can pause-park along the curb to pick up their students when they come out at dismissal. Please note the following rules for pause parking:
Drivers must remain in their cars at all times.
Drivers should pull forward as space becomes available.
Drivers should NOT stop in marked crosswalk areas.
When getting in or out of a car, students must use the door on the sidewalk side. Students should never get in or out of a car on the driver’s side. It’s unsafe for the students and it slows traffic.
Drivers must remember to ALWAYS yield at the painted crosswalks and sidewalks.
Student Attendance and Tardies
One of the most reliable predictors of school success is regular attendance. Absences for any reason result in lost instruction time. We know that students who fall behind often become discouraged learners. It is our hope that we can work together to encourage your child’s regular attendance and success at school. We understand that there are many factors in your lives that make it difficult, at times, for your child to be in school or on time. However, it is important that we work with you to reduce these to an absolute minimum. Class activities start promptly at 8:30 a.m. This morning class time is one of the most important times of the day. When a child comes in late, not only have they missed valuable class time, it is disruptive to their classmates.
When your child is going to be late or absent from school, please leave a message on the 24/7 attendance line at (541) 790-7092 anytime before 8:15 a.m to ensure that you do not get a call or email inquiring about the status of your student. Please leave the name of your child, their teacher’s name, and the reason for the absence. It is extremely important that this be done, as every child must be accounted for on a daily basis. As a friendly reminder, according to Oregon Truancy Regulations, if your student has eight unexcused half-day absences in any four-week period, you will receive a letter from the school notifying you of our attendance concerns. Please understand that if irregular attendance continues, we will be obligated to make a referral to a truant officer for further investigation.
YMCA After School Care
Charlemagne’’s YMCA After School program is full, but it’s not too late to get on the waiting list. Visit the YMCA Website for details.
Cafeteria Information
FREE Breakfast & Lunches
All students will be provided with a free breakfast and lunch. No paperwork is necessary. For breakfast, students may walk to the cafeteria. When finished eating breakfast, they need to remain in the cafeteria until they are dismissed. Students arriving late will be offered a grab-and-go breakfast at the office. Lunches are also free to all students.
Morning Breakfast
Breakfast will begin serving at 8 a.m. in the cafeteria and will end at 8:20 a.m. Students wanting breakfast may walk to the cafeteria. When they finish eating, they should wait until they are dismissed at 8:20. Students arriving late should check in at the office and will receive a grab-and-go breakfast. Breakfast and lunches are free for all students.
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Breakfast and lunch menus are available on the 4J Menu Website . Make sure you filter to Charlemagne Elementary.
Nut-Free Table in Cafeteria
For students with nut allergies, we offer a Nut-Free Table for students to eat. Students may bring a friend with them to the Nut-Free Table if the friend has a school-provided meal, which is always nut-free.
Messages for Students
Please make sure that your child knows what they are expected to do when the school day is over before they leave home in the morning. Staff are not available to hand deliver messages throughout the day and when the bell rings at the end of the school day, it is difficult to connect with individual children. We are happy to deliver messages in an EMERGENCY situation, but if at all possible please make sure that your child(ren) knows who will pick them up if they should walk home, or ride the bus before they leave for school.
Student Information Available to Non-Custodial Parents
Charlemagne Elementary is able to provide all co-custodial or non-custodial parents with a duplicate copy of all district-labeled mailings. Please let the school office know if you would like the name of a co-custodial or non-custodial parent added to the student’s enrollment information.
Message from Home Safe Routes to School As you gear up for the school year, it’s time to think about how your child(ren) will get to school. September weather and the start of the school year are a great time to set new goals for the family. Making small changes to your daily routine can lead to a surprising number of benefits for your family and community! We encourage students to walk, bike, skate, scoot, bus or carpool to school for their health and readiness to learn, the safety and congestion in our parking lot, and the environment. If you have to drive, but still want the health and academic benefits for your child and want to avoid the challenge of the parking lot, try parking a few minutes from school and walking the rest of the way. It’s a great time to connect with your child and could become a favorite part of your day!
If you have concerns about your route or would like help planning a walking/biking route or starting a biking or walking group, contact 4J’s Safe Routes to School Coordinator at or 541-790-7539. You can find tip sheets on walking and biking and more on the Safe Routes to School regional website .
Volunteers at Charlemagne
We love our volunteers at Charlemagne and we couldn’t do this work without you! This year, we will be offering Volunteer Orientation meetings to folks who would like to volunteer in our classrooms or on field trips. These orientations will be offered the first two weeks of September. Dates and times TBDD.
Thanks for reading until the very end! Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2024-2025 school year!